Last-Mile Delivery Opens Doors for Adoption of Electric Vehicles
Delivery services of companies and startups like Swiggy, Zomato and BigBasket are a introducing for the emerging electric bike startup ecosystem in the country. While customers are in baulk at the initial cost of electric bikes, their limited range and the hassle of recharging batteries, the equation changes when it comes to last-mile delivery industry market.
The last-mile delivery of electric bikes opens doors for adoption of electric vehicles. This is because such deliveries are not only cost effective and time saving but also environmentally friendly.
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It has become an inevitable choice to go green as the world is rapidly becoming a non-green place. It is because there is no dearth of electricity, gas or coal, and fossil fuels are depleting at a rapid rate. The dilemma is how we use these limited sources of energy in a smarter way that does not put stress on the environment.
The last-mile delivery of electric bikes opens new doors in sustainable mobility. A recent study reveals that the average daily use of public transport by adults in U.K., would add just one tonne to carbon emissions if all those who commute to work using electric bicycles. Last-mile delivery is obviously beneficial to the environment as it avoids the emission of greenhouse gases and other harmful pollutants from emission of exhaust of a conventional vehicle.
In case of failure of electric bike delivery system, people will be forced to use other modes of public transportation including buses, motor-bikes, cabs and minicabs. Usage of electric vehicles on congested streets will definitely increase especially during rush hours. Usage of electric bike will therefore help to cut down traffic congestion. As more people become aware of its environmental benefits, they will then convert to using this mode of commuting.
It is clear that proper last-mile delivery system plays an important role in reducing carbon emission in cities. There are many benefits in using electric bike as compared to using other modes of public transport. This is because electric bikes do not need any parking space and can thus be easily rolled away when not in use. Moreover, the charge of electric bikes remains low during travel. One charger is enough to cover a one-hour journey.
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Apart from being cost-effective, another advantage of last-mile delivery system is that it reduces emissions caused by vehicles. However, it is essential to ensure that the electric bike delivered does not exceed the speed limit as it may cause an accident. One should also be careful while parking the bike. Bikes that are left unused for a long time may also pollute the atmosphere as they emit heat. Therefore, care should be taken while using these vehicles.
A major disadvantage of electric vehicles is that the charge remains high when the vehicle is not moving. The charge remains until the vehicle is stationary. This results in high battery bills, if the owner of the electric bike does not convert it to battery power after usage. Owners should therefore ensure that the battery is fully charged prior to using the bike. Another disadvantage of last-mile delivery system is that the vehicle cannot travel beyond the set mileage limit, as it can only go up to the distance between the point at which it was driven and the last point it reaches after a charge period.
Last-mile delivery system is now slowly being adopted in countries like Ireland, India and Kenya, where an equivalent number of electric bikes have been sold to residents. This has helped reduce the rising pollution levels and has helped increase tourism. One can now use one’s own bike for longer journeys, thanks to the delivery system. The delivery vehicle takes one to the point where one can use the bike for a certain distance and recharge it there.
One of the biggest disadvantages of electric vehicles remains that their emissions pollute the environment. However, they are the most viable alternative to traditional vehicles in terms of emission intensity. The increasing popularity of electric vehicles has helped to change attitudes towards environmental issues. Governments around the world are now encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles. Last-mile delivery system has opened doors for adoption of electric vehicles worldwide.